Spoiler Warning! Contains clips from the episode and explanations for the ending.
NOTE: This post is 19 minutes and 32 seconds long. The initial reaction is the first minute and thirty-five seconds. I would have liked it to be on the AIOWiki Podcast, but due to time constraints I had to just do it by myself.
Initial Reaction to “Not What I Expected” (commentary)
Spoiler Warning! Contains clips from the episode and references to the ending.
I guess cupcakes do have cream filling.
Again, Too Many Headlines!
Title and Summary for Album 66 Parker Family Episode
Focus Pre-order Available for “Young Whit and the Traitor’s Treasure”
Color of Cover of “Rook’s Ruse”
Release Date Clarification for “Terror in the Tunnel”
Source: AIOWiki User ‘VICTOR STUDIOS,’ OdysseyFan
Art for “Walk Worthy,” Cover of “Terror in the Tunnel,” and AIOC Date for “Freedom at the Falls”

Source: Clubhouse Magazine, Nathan Hoobler, AIOWiki User ‘Aioduck29’
Initial Reaction to “The Toy” (commentary)
Spoiler Warning! Contains clips from the episode and references to the ending.
Titles, Characters, and Summaries for Six 2019 Club Episodes
Source: AIO Facebook Page
Initial Reaction to “The Sandwich Initiative” (commentary)
Spoiler Warning! Contains clips from the episode.
Initial Reaction to “The Shame About Fame” (commentary)
Spoiler Warning! Contains clips from the episode.
RETRACTION: I realized that the “Thumbs Up / Thumbs Down” rating system can seem positive or negative, and that’s not the way I want it. I’m changing the system to “Thumbs Up / Okay.” Sorry!
Books: Five Pre-orders, Three Summaries, Four Release Dates, Cover for “Young Whit and the Shroud of Secrecy”
Young Whit and the Traitor’s Treasure: Pre-order
Freedom at the Falls: Pre-order / Summary
Terror in the Tunnel: Pre-order / Summary
Cross-Check: Pre-order / Summary
Young Whit and the Shroud of Secrecy: Pre-order / Summary
Source: Amazon.com