Why does it seem like I apologize so much on this site? 😢
Source: Nathan Hoobler
“Icky, Etc.” in Club 2019, Apology for April 1 News (Commentary)
Source: Nathan Hoobler
Loaf or Slip!
“I Slap Floor” seems too cliche.
Source: Mark Redekop
AIO DVD Library Available for Pre-order, Clarification of April 1 News (Commentary)
Pre-order: https://www.christianbook.com/adventures-in-odyssey-library/9781589978713/pd/978713
Source: ChristianBook.com (via Austin Peachey)
(April Fools) Album 67 Episode Titles, Numbers, and Summaries
Source: Nathan Hoobler
Album 66: Trial by Fire Unboxing [Video]
Amazon has resilient packaging!
Info for 3 New Books, Adventures in American History Re-Release, Interview with Lee Acim, Speculations on Young Whit IV (Commentary)

Interview: http://aio-blog.blogspot.com/2019/03/interview-with-lee-acim.html
Source: Amazon.com (via Austin Peachey), ChristianBook.com
Album 67 Cover, Partial Description, and Three Episodes
Source: Amazon.com, AIOWiki User ‘AIOrocks101’
AIOWiki Podcast Poll
UPDATE: We have 23 responses so far! Can we get to 25 responses? Thanks to everyone who’s submitted feedback!
Hi! As you can see, this isn’t audio news! It’s a “reblog” of a news article I just put on AIOWiki.
Have You Heard the AIOWiki Podcast?
Even if you haven’t, we’d still appreciate your feedback! We don’t get a lot of feedback about the AIOWiki Podcast, so we’ve made a poll for you to fill out. If you’re reading this and know anything about the podcast (or even if you don’t), please take the time to respond! We’d appreciate it.
[googleapps domain=”docs” dir=”forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeTYd1N1j-VFr6T-IXg7W81RD2PhJSw7ZzrwQDzJPbG-1ZytA/viewform” query=”embedded=true” /]