Pre-order Knight’s Scheme: |
Pre-order Degrees of Kelvin: |
Source: AIOC (via ASmouseInTheHouse), (via ASmouseInTheHouse and JD Sutter [ATC])
REVIEW — “The Search for Whit, Part 2”
The search for Whit continues as Ryan and I review the seventh episode in this arc so far. Among the topics discussed are the contradictory plot, volleyball spikes, and Weed Day. (Don’t worry, there’s nothing bad.)
Phil Lollar Q and A, “Bridget, Redefined” Released, Imagination Station Book 26, Novacom Saga Restock
Pre-order “Swept into the Sea”:
Pre-order the Novacom restock:
Source: AIOC, (via Carl), (via Austin Peachey), AIO Facebook Page
May’s Club Episode: “Bridget, Redefined”
Morrie Than Meets the Eye – A Look at the Rydell Saga on Odyssey Geek
Source: May 2020 Clubhouse Magazine (via The Teal Whisk)
REVIEW — “The Search for Whit, Part 1”
It’s the first and only three-parter of the arc, and one of the first times Ryan and I are both thoroughly confused about the plot of an episode. Join us as we investigate the plot, characters, and inside jokes of “The Search for Whit, Part 1.”
[extra] It’s Not a Pond
Olivia in “Sir Buddy’s Snowy Day”:
Yeah, one kid went all the way down there and landed in the pond, I heard.
Initial Reaction to “Page from the Playbook” (Commentary)
A little late, but hey!
[Repost] Katie Leigh Interviews Gracie and Jo
Back when Gracie and Jo released their interview with Katie Leigh, I did an edit on it to clean up some of the audio. You can listen to the original interview below, or my edit above! (Unless I get copyright claimed for it by Jo, in which case I’ll pull it down.) Enjoy!