New Club Recording Session, Abigail Geiger’s First Episode, Album 68 Club Release Date

Source: AIO Facebook, AIOC Documentary “Creative Juices,” Odyssey Nerd

2 thoughts on “New Club Recording Session, Abigail Geiger’s First Episode, Album 68 Club Release Date

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  1. In this podcast, you said that the first episode of album 68 would release December 19, and that that meant that “further from the truth” would “not be the first episode of album 68 like you thought it would.” What did you mean when you said that December 19th and onward meant that “further from the truth was not the first episode?” 1. Do you know more episode titles? 2. Is there a post somewhere on one of the AIO fan sites that I have not seen yet that explains more about that? If so, does the post give episode titles, dates, or something? 3. Were you just guessing that the first episode was a Christmas episode based on the fact that the first episode was the 19th, which is close to the 24th/25th? 4. Were you by any chance just being random and joking with us, or something, to see if/how people would notice or react? 5. was it “other?” if so, please explain!

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