AIO DVD Library Available for Pre-order, Clarification of April 1 News (Commentary)

Source: (via Austin Peachey)

8 thoughts on “AIO DVD Library Available for Pre-order, Clarification of April 1 News (Commentary)

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  1. I love how you’re all “expensive AIO library new stuff might be a trick I’m true for the most part” and then you completely drop the “shoulda gone for the head” part. Subtle. XD You lucky ducks who get to go on the first day. *wishes one for the 24th came up just ’cause*

      1. Ohhhh, now I have suspicions! Did you purposely post it on April 1st so that everybody would think it was a joke, but it actually isn’t? Hmmm.

  2. Um… to anyone who reads this, you might want to check out the latest Official AIO Podcast, just saying… Also, Lee, did you know that… it… would be mentioned on today’s AIO podcast and that was why you told us to “wait” in that comment on this post? Feel free to listen to the Official Podcast episode to know what I am talking about when I say “it!”

    1. So Nightmares by Constance is a real thing… I wonder if the other episodes are real…
      You could be right…
      I’m ending a lot of my sentences with three dots…

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