Phil Lollar Q and A, “Bridget, Redefined” Released, Imagination Station Book 26, Novacom Saga Restock

Pre-order “Swept into the Sea”:
Pre-order the Novacom restock:
Source: AIOC, (via Carl), (via Austin Peachey), AIO Facebook Page

6 thoughts on “Phil Lollar Q and A, “Bridget, Redefined” Released, Imagination Station Book 26, Novacom Saga Restock

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    1. I mean, this was all hinted at during the pre-album 68 team Q&A!! So I’m not sure what to make of it, but I am excited.

  1. I am very interested in what AIO is going to do with the character of Suzu and Morrie. I also need to listen to Bridget Refined. lol I am also excited for the upcoming Blackgard Chronicles books and I would love to hear how they put his childhood in there too. Thanks for the info, Lee.
    -kaelyn 😛

  2. Speaking of Novacom yesterday I saw a Ad for a head band that makes you smarter. You cam track it on your phone and hook it to your TV. All I could think about was Novacom!!

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