14 thoughts on “[extra] BUCK AND JULES ARE OFFICIALLY DATING!!

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  1. Hold up. That doesn’t mean it’s canon….right?
    Oh brother.
    I thought they were joking..
    Another canon. Okay. Huh.
    Also, Juliver sounds waayy better then Buckles. Way better.
    I’m not sure what to think about this.

    1. I listened to the episode twice already and I was kinda thinking about that in my shipper mindset but I wasn’t sure if it was meant to be taken seriously as in dating or just as friends hanging out. Hmmmm. 🤔

      1. I’m happy too, just a little confused, like you! Yeahh, Eugene’s just like, “Shoo! Go celebrate!” and Katrina’s like, “Buy Jules a milkshake!”

  2. Great post!
    What confuses me is, I thought Eugene and Connie would put up a fight before Buck and Jules would start dating. Kinda makes me sad that it didn’t happen – it would have been pretty funny, too! Another thing that confuses me is WHEN did they start dating? In ‘Much Ado about Jealousy’ it was the ‘boyfriend with a space’ thing (which was entertaining). I guess something happened in between then and now?
    And maybe we’ll find out what Buck was about to say to Jules in part three. 🤓 Who am I kidding? I doubt there will be time for that. I really hope ‘The Long End’ isn’t rushed, like ‘Find a Penny’ was (I loved it. . . except, you know, the whole ‘it was rushed’ deal).

  3. YESSS!! It is happening!! *dances*

    …though I am kinda surprised that it wasn’t a bigger deal or even a whole episode in of its self. 😉

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