Introduction (April 2020)

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Welcome to AIO Audio News, your true source for the latest in Adventures in Odyssey news, hosted by Michael LaFaver (aka Lee Acim). This website and podcast features news posts, reviews, collaborations, and other audio clips.

To share new information, please see the Stringers page.

13 thoughts on “Introduction (April 2020)

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  1. There is a new official podcast with a Q&A with the team! We also hear another line that we haven’t heard until now of “The Rydell Revelations” at the end!

      1. It was all pretty quiet and happened *really* fast! Sorry I commented here, I meant to comment on the stringers page.

  2. There is something interesting you should check out on the AIO club devotional page (only available on a web browser). about the Rydell Revelations Parts 1-2. It delves into Morrie’s innocence and I’m unsure if it supports or opposes the episodes.

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