Audio Player
Album 70 Working Title and EpisodeEnd of “Always Home” Upgrade
Young Whit 4 Release Month
June’s Club Episode
“The Rydell Revelations, Part 1” Extra Line
Carl’s Odyssey News Website
Source: Official Podcast 356, (via Austin Peachey), June 2020 Clubhouse Magazine (via Carl)
Do you know what they call the sagas on
MINISERIES! They call sagas like the Blackgaard Chronicles, the Novacom Saga, and the Green Ring Conspiracy miniseries! How touching.
I know Odyssey’s a Christian organization, but calling them “ministries” is a bit of a stretch.
At first I thought “MINISERIES” (in that previous comment) was “ministries,” too, but that was for only a second.:)
I am looking forward to this coming June episode and I am PUMPED for the Rydell Saga!! YEEAAAaaaaahhh! “interesting, it is not password protected” i love that!!!!
fellow AIO fan
When is the review for FFTT?
Don’t worry, it’s coming. It just didn’t turn out the way I thought, so I’ve got some thinking to do about it. It might end up on the AIOWiki Podcast first.
Is it July 14th yet?!?!
It seems that, in your patience, it is not yet.