
Welcome to AIO Audio News, your true source for the latest in Adventures in Odyssey news, hosted by Michael LaFaver (aka Lee Acim). This website and podcast features a wide variety of audio segments, including news, reviews, reactions, thoughts, and more.

28 thoughts on “Introduction

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  1. Ooh… Like that end-er thingy, whatever. Pretty cool. Though, what is it? I can’t seem to recognize it from anywhere else off the top of my heaaaa… As I’m writing this comment, I have now realized! Odyssey Scoopcast.

        1. All I could think of was Eugene Meltsner saying that as I read your comment. 😂😂 (True AIO fan right there if you did that on purpose 🤣)

          Please come back, Gabriel! I need more Odyheyr episodes!

  2. On the AIOwiki the cut and fold characters past Jason there’s no picture of them unassembled can you please fix that

          1. Because I didn’t know I couldn’t change it every time when I left on my review on apple podcast

    1. I mean not really ‘cuz I’m not too active on the Wiki. I would recommend requesting an account and asking about it on the talk page for Cut and Fold Characters.

  3. also when AIO had the tell the writers what do you think thing one of my comment said higher Michael LaFaver as a writer

    1. Oh yes! He should be hired! I want an internship with them someday but sounds like you need a lot of college years and I haven’t done anything college-wise at this point so that’s a bummer. But it’d be so cool if Michael got hired and I got an internship. lol Perhaps someday… I’d also love to work with Marshall Younger and Kathy Buchanan. They are by far the best writers. And Paul McCusker (I have no idea how to spell his last name 😂😂)

    1. Their theme song is weird. I don’t like hearing the recorder in general though because it’s too squeaky and hurts my ears. Their opinions on the episodes are interesting. I prefer other podcasts like Odyssey Geek and ofc AIO Audio News 😏 And the newish podcast, All Things Adventures In Odyssey.
      I also like the Odyheyr podcast. 😉 But yeah. It’s interesting but not on the top 5 (or even 10) favorites. What do you think of it?

  4. All my theater nerd love to whoever sang that Six line when talking about Seymour. I was immensely pleased.

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